Listing Courtesy Of:
Corcoran DeRonja Real Estate, Patricia Denz
Místní realitní služby poskytované:
Keller Williams Raleigh
Co to bude stát
Podobné domy
1007 Glen Eden Drive, Raleigh, NC 27612
3 lůžka
3 koupele
čtverečních stop
Přihlášení pro odhalení ceny
1007 Glen Eden Drive, Raleigh, NC 27612
Odhad poskytnutý společností Keller Williams Realty Inc..
3 lůžka
3 koupele
čtverečních stop
Na prodej
Popis nemovitosti
If you've been searching for an ITB Raleigh home, chances are you've driven past 1007 Glen Eden Drive frequently. This hillside home sits just above one of West Raleigh's iconic corridors. Perfectly located at the crossroads of Ridge Road and Glen Eden Drive, it is at the center of a long list of attractions, offering a lifestyle that blends urban convenience with a serene retreat.
Residing where Ridge Road and Glen Eden meet places you within the heartbeat of West Raleigh, with quick access to greenways, parks, highways, and major destinations: Five Points, North Hills, the Village District, and Ridgewood Shopping Center, home to Whole Foods. Are you a hockey fan? Or a frequent flyer? Lenovo Center, home to the Carolina Hurricanes, and RDU International Airport are quick trips. The ease with which you'll navigate to these destinations and others from the corner of Ridge and Glen Eden is unmatched.
Perfectly located for convenience, the real magic of this home is its ability to be a peaceful escape from the world. The moment you pull into the driveway, the lush landscaping and inviting outdoor living space make it feel like a world apart from the rest of your day. Step into the backyard, and you've arrived at your private arboretum. The lush zoysia lawn, blooming perennial garden, and tranquil stone paver patio create a place to unwind. Whether you're hosting backyard gatherings, relaxing on the deck, or enjoying sunset games of bocce ball, this space is designed for both tranquility and entertainment.
Inside, the home's thoughtful updates make it functional and beautiful. The fully renovated kitchen is a showstopper, featuring a Bosch dishwasher and Refrigerator, JennAir range with Zephyr downdraft exhaust, open shelving, pantry storage, and built-in multifunction convection and microwave ovens by GE Advantium. The sun-filled breakfast room and the open living and dining spaces flow seamlessly, creating an inviting atmosphere. A wood-burning fireplace with a travertine hearth is a focal point in the living room, and a prism chandelier illuminates the dining table in the distance. Outside, you'll find an exterior freshly painted in 2024.
The daylight basement is a true bonus, offering incredible versatility with an exterior door to the backyard. A spacious paneled family room, large laundry room (with bright, south-facing windows perfect for a hobby studio), and brand-new carpeting installed in January create endless potential. The family room features gas logs and a painted masonry surround for added comfort. Imagine transforming this multi-purpose space into an in-law suite, apartment, Airbnb rental, or private office. With the right advisors, you could convert the laundry into a dual-purpose kitchenette and transform the partial bath into a full by adding a shower or tub. This is the kind of opportunity this home and location offer. Bring a vision of your own!
The home is complemented by a 2 space carport offering easy access to the house and providing storage and a potting area replete with pea gravel. No garage to declutter or organize! A convenient breezeway connects the carport to the side entry at the breakfast room, making light work out of a trip in with a load of groceries, luggage, or your daily haul.
1007 Glen Eden offers the rare opportunity to own an updated, charming ranch for under a million in one of Raleigh's most prestigious Inside the Beltline neighborhoods. Surrounded by stately homes, this property provides an attainable way to enjoy the coveted ITB lifestyle. Homes like this are incredibly rare on tree-lined streets like Glen Eden, offering timeless charm, thoughtful updates, and an unbeatable location. Schedule your private tour today and experience all that 1007 Glen Eden Drive has to offer.
Údaje poskytnuté společností Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
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Měsíční platba
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Přihlaste se nebo si zaregistrujte účet Keller Williams ještě dnes a získejte přístup k exkluzivnímu obsahu a další podpoře od místního agenta Keller Williams®!
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Podrobnosti o nemovitosti
Informace o nemovitosti
Typ nemovitosti
Single Family Residence
Seznam Kategorie
Na prodej
Velikost domu
čtverečních stop
3 lůžka
3 koupele
Dny na místě
53 Dny
Rok postavený
Číslo MLS
Informace o šarži
Velikost šarže
Architektonický styl/Design
Ranch, Transitional
Stavební materiály
Brick, Brick Veneer, Shingle Siding
Vodní zdroj
Interiérové prvky
Forced Air
Natural Gas
Ceiling Fan(s)
Central Air
ENERGY STAR Qualified Equipment
Convection Oven
Electric Oven
ENERGY STAR Qualified Dishwasher
ENERGY STAR Qualified Refrigerator
Free-Standing Refrigerator
Gas Cooktop
Gas Water Heater
Ice Maker
Plumbed For Ice Maker
Smart Appliance(s)
Vented Exhaust Fan
Exteriérové prvky
Cable Connected
Electricity Available
Electricity Connected
Natural Gas Connected
Phone Connected
Sewer Connected
Water Connected
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