Listing Courtesy Of:
Hodge & Kittrell Sotheby's Int, Joseph Hodge
Výpis Prodáno:
Hodge & Kittrell Sotheby's Int
Místní realitní služby poskytované:
Keller Williams Raleigh
Co to bude stát
Podobné domy
2301 Wheeler Road, Raleigh, NC 27607
5 lůžek
5 koupele
čtverečních stop
Přihlášení pro odhalení ceny
2301 Wheeler Road, Raleigh, NC 27607
Odhad poskytnutý společností Keller Williams Realty Inc..
5 lůžek
5 koupele
čtverečních stop
Popis nemovitosti
Nestled in the prestigious Coley Forest neighborhood, this exquisite residence, meticulously crafted by the award-winning Tuscany Construction Group, stands as a testament to unparalleled luxury and sophistication. With an open floor plan, designer features, and an array of meticulously curated details, this home redefines modern living.
Step inside and experience the seamless flow of the main level, adorned with high-end finishes and impeccable attention to detail. The main level beckons with a primary bedroom, offering a retreat of tranquility and comfort. The architectural brilliance extends to the heart of the home—a chef's dream kitchen that seamlessly integrates with the living and dining spaces, creating an ideal setting for both intimate gatherings and grand entertaining.
The attached two-car entry-level garage ensures convenience and ease of access. Ascend the staircase to discover four additional bedrooms on the upper level, each thoughtfully designed to provide both privacy and comfort. Every room boasts a fusion of contemporary elegance and timeless charm.
The allure of this home extends beyond its interior, beckoning you to embrace outdoor living on the covered porch. Whether it's sipping morning coffee or hosting al fresco dinners, this space promises a perfect blend of serenity and style.
Entertainment possibilities abound with a bonus room and a generously sized rec room, offering versatile spaces for leisure and enjoyment. Need a dedicated workspace? The thoughtfully designed office provides an inspiring environment for productivity.
Tuscany Construction Group's commitment to quality and innovation is evident in every corner of this residence. Known for their expertise in building luxury homes inside the beltline, Tuscany Construction Group has once again exceeded expectations, creating a home that seamlessly blends sophistication with functionality.
This property is not just a home; it's a statement of refined living. Embrace the extraordinary lifestyle that comes with residing in a Tuscany Construction Group masterpiece. Welcome to a residence where every detail is a testament to luxury, and every moment is an opportunity to savor the exceptional. Your dream home awaits in Coley Forest. Nestled in the prestigious Coley Forest neighborhood, this exquisite residence, meticulously crafted by the award-winning Tuscany Construction Group, stands as a testament to unparalleled luxury and sophistication. With an open floor plan, designer features, and an array of meticulously curated details, this home redefines modern living.
Step inside and experience the seamless flow of the main level, adorned with high-end finishes and impeccable attention to detail. The main level beckons with a primary bedroom, offering a retreat of tranquility and comfort. The architectural brilliance extends to the heart of the homea chef's dream kitchen that seamlessly integrates with the living and dining spaces, creating an ideal setting for both intimate gatherings and grand entertaining.
The two-car entry level garage provides convenience and ease of access. Ascend the staircase to discover four additional bedrooms on the upper level, each thoughtfully designed to provide both privacy and comfort. Every room boasts a fusion of contemporary elegance and timeless charm.
The allure of this home extends beyond its interior, beckoning you to embrace outdoor living on the covered porch. Whether it's sipping morning coffee or hosting al fresco dinners, this space promises a perfect blend of serenity and style.
Entertainment possibilities abound with a bonus room and a generously sized rec room, offering versatile spaces for leisure and enjoyment. Need a dedicated workspace? The thoughtfully designed office provides an inspiring environment for productivity.
Tuscany Construction Group's commitment to quality and innovation is evident in every corner of this residence. Known for their expertise in building luxury homes inside the beltline, Tuscany Construction Group has once again exceeded expectations, creating a home that seamlessly blends sophistication with functionality.
This property is not just a home; it's a statement of refined living. Embrace the extraordinary lifestyle that comes with residing in a Tuscany Construction Group masterpiece. Welcome to a residence where every detail is a testament to luxury, and every moment is an opportunity to savor the exceptional. Your dream home awaits in Coley Forest.
Údaje poskytnuté společností Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
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(Místní čas)
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Odhadovaná měsíční platba
Kupní cena:
Jistina + úrok
Daň z nemovitosti
Pojištění domácnosti
HOA/poplatek za byt
Hypoteční pojištění
Měsíční platba
Tato kalkulačka je jen odhad. Obraťte se na Keller Williams pro úplné a přesné posouzení.
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Přihlaste se nebo si zaregistrujte účet Keller Williams ještě dnes a získejte přístup k exkluzivnímu obsahu a další podpoře od místního agenta Keller Williams®!
Přihlásit se/Přihlásit se
Přihlaste se nebo si zaregistrujte účet Keller Williams ještě dnes a získejte přístup k exkluzivnímu obsahu a další podpoře od místního agenta Keller Williams®!
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Podrobnosti o nemovitosti
Informace o nemovitosti
Typ nemovitosti
Single Family Residence
Seznam Kategorie
Velikost domu
čtverečních stop
5 lůžek
5 koupele
Dny na místě
472 Dny
Rok postavený
Název tvůrce
Tuscany Construction Group
Číslo MLS
Informace o šarži
Velikost šarže
Architektonický styl/Design
Stavební materiály
Brick Veneer, Cedar, HardiPlank Type
Vodní zdroj
Interiérové prvky
Central Air
Natural Gas
Forced Air
Built-In Range
Gas Range
Gas Water Heater
Range Hood
Tankless Water Heater
Exteriérové prvky
Cable Available
Electricity Connected
Natural Gas Connected
Sewer Connected
Parkovací funkce
2 parkovací místa
Garage Door Opener
Garage Faces Side
Kitchen Level
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